AT To 275GL+ Conversion Upgrade
Increase power, reduce emissions.
And improve fuel consumption with updated controls and combustion technology of the 275GL*+
What can this upgrade do for you?
- ESM* control provides enhanced reliability in a single system
- Improved output to 3625HP(12V), 4835(16V) and option to further increase output by 3.5% with Power Push
- Improved air-fuel ratio control and decreased NOx emissions to 0.5 g/hp-hr with new NOx sensor
- Reliability improvements to wastegates, exhaust bellows, and many other systems
How we get you there?
- ESM* engine control system – centralized control of speed, turbochargers, knock, ignition, and fault detection means minimal setup time and user intervention.
- Turbochargers – newer designs provide better surge margin, more power capability.
- Wastegates – improved design provides lower lifecycle cost and better reliability.
- NOx sensor / HMI – more accurate control of air fuel ratio provides better emissions performance and more uptime.
- Governor/wastegate/bypass actuators – improved torque capability provides better control and more reliable operation.