Quick Horsepower & Pressure Chart

The following chart is an approximation tool used to estimate the horsepower requirement and configuration of a compressor (brake horsepower per million cu. ft.).

Discharge Pressure (PSIG)
25 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
0 65 99 128 144 168 187 203 218 233 248 260 272 282 291 299*
10 35 63 85 104 131 149 163 175 196 214 231 235 242 250 257
20 43 62 78 106 126 139 151 170 186 199 212 225 228 232
30 29 47 62 85 107 123 133 152 167 179 191 201 211 221
40 36 50 72 90 107 121 138 152 164 175 185 194 202
50 26 41 61 78 93 106 127 141 153 163 173 181 189
60 32 53 69 83 95 118 131 143 153 162 170 178
70 25 46 61 74 86 109 123 135 145 153 161 169
80 40 54 67 78 98 117 127 137 146 153 161
90 34 49 61 72 91 109 121 131 139 147 154
100 28 44 55 66 84 100 116 125 133 141 148
150 22 35 45 60 74 86 98 110 118 124
200 30 45 58 68 78 88 96 105
250 33 46 56 65 73 81 88
300 23 36 46 54 62 69 76
350 27 38 46 53 60 67
400 30 39 46 53 60
500 26 34 41 46
600 23 30 37

For example: it will require 299 horsepower of compression distributed among 3 stages to move from a suction pressure of “0” to a discharge pressure of “1000” for every 1000 MCFD.

For a flow of 500 MCFD, 50% (500 MCFD/ 1000 MCFD) of the horsepower is required.